nctl scan aws ecs

nctl scan aws ecs

scan aws ecs resources

nctl scan aws ecs [flags]


      --details                  Show result details for violating resources
      --file string              Output file
  -h, --help                     help for ecs
      --insecure                 allow connection to an address with a self-signed or non-verifiable certificate (not recommended)
      --labels strings           Report label
      --no-color                 disable the colors for the stdout reports
  -o, --output string            Output format (text, json, yaml, scan-report) (default "text")
  -p, --policies strings         Path to policy files (local path, github URL, helm URL)
      --publish                  Publish reports (default true)
      --publish-token string     scan reports publish token
      --report-sourceid string   Source ID used when publishing a report
  -r, --resources strings        Path to resource files (local path, github URL)
      --token string             Nirmata API Login Key (env NIRMATA_TOKEN)
      --url string               Nirmata server base URL (env NIRMATA_URL)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --v Level   log level for V logs