API Basics
The Nirmata API model is composed of resources. Each resource type is described by a class and is made up of attributes and relations. Each resource has a modelIndex that indicates its class, and a uri that describes how it can be queried. At runtime, each resource can contain relations to other resources. The relations can be parent-child relations or reference relations.
The Nirmata API is accessible at:
Note: trying the API URL in a browser will return an empty page, as the required HTTP headers are not specified. You can use a REST client, like Postman (https://www.getpostman.com/), to try and learn the API.
To authenticate your account, you can use HTTP BASIC authentication or an API Key:
Authorization BASIC <Bas64 user:password>
Authorization NIRMATA-API <your api key>
Since the Nirmata API is only accessible via HTTPS, your credentials are sent over an encrypted connection.
To manage your API Key, login to Nirmata and navigate to Settings -> Account -> Generate API Key. An API key is associated with a User account. When you authenticate an application using the API key, it will get the role and privileges associated with the account.
A best practice recommendation is to create separate accounts for each application, and provide the minimum required role and privileges to the account.
Operation | HTTP Method | URI Syntax | Description |
Create | POST | /{modelIndex} | Creates a new resource. The modelIndex is the resource name. |
/{parent}/{id}/{relation} | Create a new resource, as child of the ‘{parent}/{id}’ resource | ||
Retrieve | GET | /{modelIndex} | Returns all resources of type specified by ‘modelIndex’ |
/{modelIndex}/{id} | Returns a single resource | ||
Update | PUT | /{modelIndex}/{id} | Updates a resource |
Delete | DELETE | /{modelIndex}/{id} | Deletes a resource |
Discover | OPTIONS | / | Returns the class definitions for all resources |
/{modelIndex} | Returns the class definition for a single resource |
HTTP Response Status Codes
The following table lists common HTTP response codes used by the API:
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 | The operation succeeded |
401 | The user authentication failed |
403 | The request was not permitted |
406 | The request results in an invalid configuration |
500 | The request caused a server error |
The following are some of the commonly used endpoints available via the API:
- catalog/api/applications
- catalog/api/application/{id}/import
- catalog/api/application/{id}/export
- catalog/api/application/{id}/run
- catalog/api/deployments
- catalog/api/statefulSets
- catalog/api/podTemplateSpecs
- catalog/api/podSpecs
- catalog/api/volumes
- catalog/networkPolicies
- catalog/api/services
- catalog/api/ingresses
- catalog/api/configMaps
- catalog/api/secrets
- environments/api/environments
- environments/api/applications
- environments/api/application/{id}/import
- environments/api/application/{id}/export
- environments/api/deployments
- environments/api/statefulSets
- environments/api/podTemplateSpecs
- environments/api/podSpecs
- environments/api/volumes
- environments/networkPolicies
- environments/api/services
- environments/api/ingresses
- environments/api/configMaps
- environments/api/secrets
- environments/api/podSpecs
- environments/api/volumes
- environments/networkPolicies
- environments/api/services
- environments/api/ingresses
- environments/api/configMaps
- cluster/api/hostClusters
- cluster/api/nodes
- cluster/api/nodes
- cluster/api/events
- cluster/api/namespaces
- cluster/api/storageClasses
- cluster/api/persistentVolumes
- cluster/api/nodeStats
- cluster/api/clusterStats
- cluster/api/pendingPods
- cluster/api/clusterPolicies
- cluster/api/clusterRoles
- cluster/api/clusterRoleBindings