URL Parameters
URL Parameters are used to control the returned JSON data.
The mode parameter is used to control the JSON output format for a GET request. Here are the allowed values:
- normal
- export
- exportDetails
In the normal mode the JSON data for each object contains all attributes and relations are output as links. In the export mode the JSON data contains all attributes and child relation objects are directly embedded into the parent. Reference relations are represented as links, and also contain the unique attributes of the referred to object. The mode parameter can be applied to all GET requests and can be combined with other parameters. The export mode is useful when an entire sub-document needs to be retrieved and stored externally. For example, the following query will export the full {model} as JSON:
GET https://www.nirmata.io/catalog/api/applications/{id}?mode=export
Accept: application/json
The exportDetails mode also includes meta-data fields and relations to external entities (outside of the target document).
The query parameter is used to control which objects are included in a JSON response. The query data is specified as a JSON object. The query parameter can be applied to any GET request that returns multiple objects. For example the following query returns the application named ‘helloworld’:
GET https://www.nirmata.io/environments/api/applications?query={"name":"helloworld"}
Accept: application/json
Multiple attributes can be specified for a logical AND operation:
GET https://www.nirmata.io/environments/api/applications?query={"name":"helloworld", "run" : "hello1"}
Accept: application/json
The fields parameter is used to control which fields, of an resource, should be included in the JSON response. The fields parameter can be applied to any GET request. The fields parameter value is specified as a single field name, or a comma separated list of field names, that should be included in the response.
For example, this query returns only the id and name fields of all Deployments in the catalog:
GET https://www.nirmata.io/catalog/api/deployments?fields=id,name,kind,apiVersion
Accept: application/json
The excludeFields parameter is used to exclude one or more fields from the response. The excludeFields parameter can be applied to any GET request. The fields parameter value is specified as a single field name, or a comma separated list of field names, that should be excluded from the response.
For example, this query excludes the metadata field from Deployments:
GET https://www.nirmata.io/catalog/api/deployments?excludefields=metadata
Accept: application/json
The count parameter is used to specify the maximum number of resources to be returned. It can be used when querying a relation, a list of resources, or using a query parameter. A positive value is expected. When not specified, all matching resources are returned. For example the following query returns the podIP and state fields for up to 10 instances of the resource podStatus:
GET https://www.nirmata.io/environments/api/podStatus?count=10&fields=podIP,state
Accept: application/json
The start parameter is used to specify the start index in a list of resources. It can be used when querying a relation, a list of resources, or using a query parameter. A positive value is expected. When not specified a value of 0 is assumed. For example the following query returns podStatus instances 10-20 (or less) that have attribute state with the state of running:
GET https://www.nirmata.io/environments/api/podStatus?start=10&count=10&query={"state" : "running"}&fields=id
Accept: application/json