Disallow Host Path


HostPath volumes let Pods use host directories and volumes in containers. Using host resources can be used to access shared data or escalate privileges and should not be allowed. Using the hostPath volume type presents many security risks. If you can avoid using a hostPath volume, you should. For example, define a local PersistentVolume, and use that instead.

Restricted Fields

  • spec.volumes[*].hostPath

Allowed Values

  • Undefined/nil


Using hostPath volumes can introduce significant security risks to your Kubernetes cluster. Here are some potential risks associated with allowing hostPath:

  1. Privilege Escalation: If a Pod with a hostPath volume is compromised, an attacker could gain access to sensitive files on the host machine. For instance, mounting a directory such as /var/log could allow an attacker to symlink sensitive files, read private SSH keys, or even manipulate service account tokens stored on the host.

  2. Container Escape: Allowing hostPath volumes can lead to container escape. For example, mounting /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern allows an attacker to modify kernel parameters that could lead to executing commands on the host itself.

  3. Data Exposure and Manipulation: By mounting sensitive directories like /etc/kubernetes/manifests, an attacker could modify static Pod definitions, causing unintended deployments or persistence on the cluster.

  4. Host Manipulation: Mounting critical directories such as /var/lib/kubelet/pods can expose Pod-specific data, including tokens for service accounts, secrets, and configMaps, which could be used to move laterally across the cluster.

  5. Resource Misuse: Pods with access to the host’s filesystem can abuse mounted paths to perform unauthorized actions, such as creating persistent data outside of the Kubernetes control, leading to resource leaks or disk space exhaustion.

  6. Configuration Drift: Pods that use hostPath can behave unpredictably depending on the specific files and directories available on different nodes. This inconsistency can lead to unexpected behavior and difficult-to-troubleshoot issues.

Kyverno Policy

Refer to the Nirmata curated policies - disallow-host-path.yaml


Configuration Settings

The below configuration indicates that HostPath volumes are forbidden. The field spec.volumes[*].hostPath must be unset in order to be conformant with this security control. If it is not present, then the resource is conformant by default.

  - X(hostPath): "null"

Resource Example

Below is a Deployment resource example where even though volumes field is present, it does not have a hostPath field. If present, it should be set to null.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: gooddeployment02
  replicas: 1
      app: app
        app: app
      - name: container01
        image: dummyimagename
          - name: temp
            mountPath: /scratch
      - name: temp
        emptyDir: {}